biological processes
At this moment, my blood circulates through my veins, my lungs inspire the air that surrounds me, the plants are nourished by water and light, the capsules opens, and the wind carries its seeds to sow them in distant and unknown lands.
This very moment is fixed in my works, places of transit that encourage to travel backwards or forwards in space-time to attend a process of movement and transformation, of growth and evolution, of energy consumption and renewal: biological processes that happen inside us at this very moment and at all times.
Growing up in Germany as the daughter of landscape architects, my love for nature and biology developed in my earliest childhood. I still remember my first herbariums and my enthusiastic stays in the greenhouses of botanical gardens! Over time, plants have become more and more symbols of my inner world and a kind of personal language: Forms that move in empty spaces are looking for a dialogue with their attentive observer. They take in what is brought to them. Based on this interaction they grow on and new ones can emerge.
With the need to refine this language and to shape my ideas, I looked for a place to study art. This place I found in Brussels, in the National School of Visual Arts “la Cambre”, where I studied printmaking, painting and graphic design. After finishing my studies, my curiosity about a new culture was awakened again.
My search brought me to Barcelona, the city in which I still live today. In the beginning I worked as an illustrator, but then I realized that my form of expression needed a different medium.
So I decided to reorientate myself towards my paintings and drawings. At the same time my children grew up and all these elements together became the most beautiful interaction I can imagine.
My work has been exhibited in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Brazil.